Sunday, May 25, 2008

Lauch Embroidery Blog at Wordpress

I've launched an Embroidery Blog at wordpress:
Come over and take a look!

I've figured out a way incorporate ALL my previous art/craft/skill/talent into one avenue of wonderful fun!

Your life needs fun. Go ahead, have some fun!


Susan said...

I just love your instructions for the crayon coloring. Thank you so much and also have done the snails which is waiting to be embroidered soon.

islandgirlA/alicia in Hawaii/Alicia DR Hankins/ The RealW8 Cook said...

Thanks for the compliment! I'm happy that you found the instructions for the crayon coloring. The snails are done now! They are on the post for August 1.
alicia in Hawaii

BizarreQuilter said...

Have you painted your "joy" spinnins wheel yet??? I'd love to see it.

JessB said...


You and family are in my prayers.

Jess- ILCS